Dance and decision-making as a common denominator?
Everyone can dance I have some truth that most of us living people like to dance in one way or another. Then there are many who say “I can’t dance”, but that is not the same as wanting to dance. I also firmly believe that we can all dance, according to our own conditions, and […]
Do you provide feedback that contributes to development?
Do you provide feedback that contributes to development? Today’s post is a few lines about feedback. A word that may sound different to different people. Often people talk about positive and negative feedback, which for me at least is very ambiguous. Feedback is about giving feedback on something so that the recipient can improve. What […]
Do you get others to follow you? – A good leader gets everyone on board
Do you bring yourself and get others on board? Are you running on the platform and wondering where you are going? Do you try to get on but get trampled by another passenger? Or are you trying to get on with your group, but everyone is getting on in different carriages? Or do you get […]
Influencing change and development by breaking patterns
Why do we often do what we have always done – even if we want to change? I don’t know about you. But I know from my own life experience that I have sometimes wanted to make changes in my life, but it has not always happened. Similarly, I have sat in companies where there […]
Who thinks, feels and does? Me, you or someone?
Who thinks, feels and does? Me, you or someone? In Communicology*, we see I/Thou as an important basic communication key to look at in the context of change management. So what does an I/Thou (We/Ne) ‘sorting’ mean? Understanding me and you is to realize that what I think, feel and think is for me. What […]