Everyone can dance
I have some truth that most of us living people like to dance in one way or another. Then there are many who say “I can’t dance”, but that is not the same as wanting to dance. I also firmly believe that we can all dance, according to our own conditions, and that is exactly where we should be met. Dance should be accessible to everyone. I don’t know how many people I’ve had the honor of leading through dance who have never taken a step before. There’s something quite magical about seeing that uncertain flickering gaze and a focused face, bursting into a smile and eyes that say something deeper has come to life.
Dance, in the aspect I write about above, should not be about performance. On the contrary. It is in the non-performance that the expression of one’s own self and one’s own limits should take place. Where no one is more than anyone else and where it is allowed to express what the body wants and feels through music. Where there is room to accommodate the size you want.
Dancing in the company
When I work with dance in companies, it can look a bit different. It could be as an activity at a conference or theme day. It can be a dance activity of any kind (afro dance, free dance, buggy etc) and then a related lecture or workshop. It could be dancing as a joint weekly or monthly activity and it could be a performance or show at a banquet or similar. Either way, there are many advantages to trying dance as a company activity. Do you dare?
Dance or a quiet room
When we sometimes find ourselves in a hurricane in the middle of life. Where we are not feeling well in ourselves or in a relationship, the advice is often to go to a therapist, life coach or similar. I think these are good suggestions, it is nice to sometimes get help to sort your thoughts, to be guided to find your own keys to better well-being.
On the other hand, not everyone finds it appealing to come to a therapist in a quiet room with two or three reasonably comfortable chairs. Some glasses and a water dispenser, and a box of tissues. If you are already in a locked state, in yourself or in the relationship, that environment may not be conducive to you or you feeling relaxed.
Dance as coaching or therapy
Instead, what would it be like to enter an open room, some nice music, some semi-dark light and the coach you are going to meet chooses to let you dance as part of the coaching/therapy. How could it be?
Because who said we need to sort out the heavy stuff with a good dose of seriousness, a compassionate voice and four rigid walls? (ok, it’s both exaggerated and yet not) When instead we can choose to see that in all darkness there is light of some kind, if only we are given the opportunity and the belief that it is ok to find it. Because what is the opposite of sadness and darkness? And what is the opposite of anger and frustration? Could it be that we get access to the good states if we are helped to be led into such contexts and environments.
This does not mean that coaching will be less serious or less effective. Maybe it can be better if you, the person who needs help, can relax and open up a bit more. If, through joy and liberating movements, you gain more access to what your inner self wants to show you behind the things that keep you stuck.
The step before dancing to help improve well-being
Or if you’re not ready for the dance, maybe take a walk while your words are allowed to flow as they wish. Where you are the starting point and the walk helps you sort out your thoughts and feelings. Understand context while smelling the scent of spruce, and listen to the peace of nature and let it take place in you. And maybe finish the walk with a little dance step.
Dance and the path to better decision-making
“Practice like you´ve never won. Perform like you´ve never lost.” Do what you do wholeheartedly. Be passionate about your leadership, whether you are leading yourself or a whole department. Dare to lead the way and empower your staff and colleagues by making decisions with courage and with the big picture in mind. There will be times when the brain signals e.g.. fear, it does so regardless of who we are when faced with certain situations.
A good leader learns to manage fears and other emotions that could influence decision-making in the wrong direction. Dance leads to better self-awareness and stronger self-esteem, which in turn improves your ability to control and manage your condition. In my opinion, dance is also a more fun way (and an important part) of becoming a better leader for yourself and others.
What happens in the brain when you dance?
Through simple (dance) movements, you can strengthen your brain power and equip yourself to face challenges. You can create more awareness of your actions by releasing the resources you have by dancing. And I don’t mean that you need to go to a dance studio or take a course. It’s more about starting to dance and move – and understanding that what we do with our bodies when we dance – affects our brains.
Better connection between the right and left hemispheres of the brain, better quality of our nerve fibers in the brain, release of hormones to calm our mind, etc. We can and do get positive effects in the brain from other activities too, but there are few forms of exercise that can provide as much release as dance. Unlocking permits and resources leads to, among other things. a. more creativity and engagement.
Why walk when you can dance? – Leave your unique footprint wherever you go in the world. Lead yourself and others with the intention of wanting to bring out that courage and drive that is in all of us.
Think about how you feel when you dance around by yourself. If you haven’t tried it, try it. Nothing dangerous can happen! Feel the response in your body and brain.
Thinking about whether you would like to book some dancing for your company? There are as many options as wishes, I think. Get in touch if you want to go outside the box and create permits that will make a positive difference in the work environment.
Consider whether your relationship with yourself or your partner would benefit from using dance as an entry point to improve the relationship. It does not have to be in a soft chair in a quiet room that therapy or coaching takes place. Why not make it a bit more relaxed and undemanding.
“Dance like no one´s watching”